Slipcovered Fabric / Fiber Descriptions


1. Durability

Description: Cotton is durable and strong, capable of withstanding high temperatures and repeated washing. It tends to become softer over time without significantly compromising its integrity. However, it might be less resistant to abrasion and pilling compared to some synthetic fibers or more robust natural fibers like linen. Key Considerations: The durability of cotton can vary depending on the weave and finish. For example, tightly woven cotton fabrics like canvas are more durable and suitable for furniture.

2. Comfort and Feel

Description: Cotton is renowned for its softness and natural comfort against the skin. It's exceptionally breathable, making it comfortable in warm weather by allowing air to circulate and moisture to evaporate from the body. Key Considerations: The softness and comfort level of cotton can vary with the type of cotton used (e.g., Egyptian cotton is exceptionally soft), the weave, and the finish.

3. Maintenance and Care

Description: Cotton is easy to care for, machine washable, and can generally withstand high temperatures. It can be prone to shrinking and wrinkling, so care instructions may vary. Pre-washed cotton fabrics can help minimize shrinkage. Key Considerations: While cotton is relatively stain-resistant, spills should be treated promptly. Some cotton fabrics may require ironing to maintain a crisp appearance.

4. Aesthetic and Style

Description: Cotton offers a wide range of aesthetics, from casual and cozy to refined and sophisticated. It's available in an extensive variety of colors, patterns, and weaves, making it adaptable to almost any decor style. Key Considerations: Cotton can fade with prolonged exposure to sunlight, so it's worth considering this when selecting cotton for furniture that will be placed in sunny areas.

5. Environmental Impact

Description: Cotton's environmental impact can vary. While it is a natural, renewable, and biodegradable fiber, conventional cotton farming is water-intensive and often relies on pesticides and fertilizers. Organic cotton offers a more sustainable alternative, with lower water usage and without the harmful chemicals.Key Considerations: Look for certifications like GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) to ensure the cotton is sustainably sourced.

6. Price

Description: The price of cotton fabric can vary widely based on quality, origin, and processing methods. Organic cotton tends to be more expensive than conventional cotton due to the more labor-intensive agricultural practices and lower yields.Key Considerations: Cotton is generally considered to offer good value for money due to its durability, ease of care, and comfort.

7. Suitability

Description: Cotton is suitable for a wide range of applications, from casual to formal settings. Its breathability makes it a popular choice for warm climates. However, its tendency to absorb moisture can make it less ideal for very humid environments unless blended with other moisture-resistant fibers.Key Considerations: Cotton's versatility makes it a good choice for slipcovers, upholstery, and other home textiles. It's particularly appealing for those seeking a natural, breathable fabric for everyday use.


1. Durability

Description: Linen is known for its strong and durable nature. It is resistant to pilling and abrasion, and its strength actually increases when wet. It can last decades when cared for correctly, making it a sustainable choice for furniture. Key Considerations: Linen's longevity is one of its standout features, with the fabric becoming softer and more comfortable with each wash without losing its durability.

2. Comfort and Feel

Description: Linen is highly regarded for its natural, breathable quality, which makes it cool to the touch and exceptionally comfortable in warm weather. Its natural fibers can absorb a significant amount of moisture without feeling damp, ensuring comfort during hot and humid conditions. Key Considerations: The texture of linen can vary from smooth and soft to more textured and rustic, providing a comfortable feel that also adds visual interest to furniture.

3. Maintenance and Care

Description: Linen is relatively easy to care for but can wrinkle and shrink easily if not handled properly. It's machine washable, typically on a gentle cycle with lukewarm water, and it should be air-dried to prevent shrinking. Linen can also be dry cleaned for best results. Key Considerations: While linen's natural wrinkles are often considered part of its charm, those preferring a crisp look may need to iron their linen items regularly.

4. Aesthetic and Style

Description: Linen offers a natural, timeless aesthetic that can complement any decor style, from modern to traditional. It's available in a wide range of colors and can have a matte or slightly shiny finish. The natural variations in the fabric add depth and interest to furniture pieces. Key Considerations: Linen's aesthetic is versatile, capable of adding both a casual and sophisticated touch to interiors. Its texture and drape make it appealing for slipcovers and upholstery alike.

5. Environmental Impact

Description: Linen is made from the flax plant, which requires less water and pesticides than cotton, making it a more environmentally friendly option. The entire flax plant can be used to make linen, reducing waste and ensuring that production is sustainable. Key Considerations: Linen is biodegradable and recyclable, making it a sustainable choice for those concerned about environmental impact.

6. Price

Description: Linen can be more expensive than cotton due to its labor-intensive production process. However, its durability and longevity often justify the higher cost, as linen items can last for many years with proper care. Key Considerations: The initial investment in linen may be higher, but its cost-per-use decreases over time due to its durability.

7. Suitability

Description: Linen is suitable for a wide range of applications, including casual and formal settings. Its natural resistance to bacteria and mildew makes it a healthy choice for home textiles. Linen's breathability and moisture-wicking properties also make it ideal for warm climates and summer months. Key Considerations: Perfect for those seeking a natural, breathable fabric that adds elegance and comfort to their space. Its suitability extends from everyday casual use to more formal or decorative applications.

Belgian Linen

1. Durability

Description: Belgian linen is exceptionally durable, known for its high strength and ability to withstand pilling and abrasion. It tends to get softer, more pliable, and more comfortable with each wash without losing its shape or integrity. Key Considerations: The quality of Belgian linen comes from the flax grown in the region, known for its long fibers, which contribute to the fabric's longevity and resilience.

2. Comfort and Feel

Description: This fabric is known for its luxurious feel and natural luster. It offers excellent breathability and natural moisture-wicking properties, making it comfortable in both hot and cold weather. Key Considerations: The natural fibers provide a unique texture that is soft to the touch, enhancing comfort with use.

3. Maintenance and Care

Description: Belgian linen is relatively easy to care for, becoming softer with each wash. It can be machine washed and air-dried, although it may require ironing for a crisp appearance. It's less prone to shrinkage compared to other linens. Key Considerations: While it can wrinkle easily, many appreciate the natural, casual look that linen acquires over time.

4. Aesthetic and Style

Description: Offers a timeless elegance and a sophisticated, natural look. Available in a range of natural shades, Belgian linen provides a unique depth of color and texture that can add character and luxury to any space. Key Considerations: The natural variations in the fabric contribute to its aesthetic appeal, making each piece unique.

5. Environmental Impact

Description: Belgian linen is an environmentally friendly choice. The flax plant requires less water and pesticides than cotton, and every part of the plant is used, leaving no waste. Key Considerations: Its production is energy-efficient, and the fabric is fully biodegradable and recyclable, contributing to its sustainability.

6. Price

Description: Due to its high quality and the meticulous process required to produce it, Belgian linen is often more expensive than other types of linen and cotton. However, its durability and longevity offer long-term value. Key Considerations: The initial investment in Belgian linen can be offset by its durability, reducing the need for frequent replacements.

7. Suitability

Description: Ideal for those seeking luxury and comfort in their living spaces. Its natural resistance to bacteria and allergens makes it a great choice for bedrooms and living areas alike. Key Considerations: Perfect for both casual and formal settings, Belgian linen adapts well to various design aesthetics, from rustic to modern.

Cotton-Linen Blend

1. Durability

Description: This blend leverages the durability of linen with the softness and resilience of cotton, creating a fabric that withstands wear and tear better than either fiber alone. It's less prone to wrinkling and shrinking than pure linen, thanks to the cotton content, and often retains its shape and texture over time. Key Considerations: The blend is ideal for furniture and home textiles that require durability without sacrificing comfort.

2. Comfort and Feel

Description: Combining cotton's softness with linen's natural breathability and moisture-wicking properties, this blend offers enhanced comfort. It feels softer against the skin than pure linen and is more comfortable in a wider range of temperatures than cotton alone. Key Considerations: The specific ratio of cotton to linen can affect the fabric's feel, with higher cotton content providing a softer feel and more linen contributing to greater breathability.

3. Maintenance and Care

Description: Cotton-linen blends are generally easier to care for than pure linen. They can be machine washed and dried, although air drying is recommended to preserve the fabric's integrity. This blend is less likely to wrinkle than pure linen, making it more manageable for daily use. Key Considerations: Gentle washing and avoiding high heat can help maintain the fabric's appearance and longevity.

4. Aesthetic and Style

Description: This blend offers a casual yet sophisticated look, combining linen's natural texture and drape with cotton's softness and versatility. It's available in a wide range of colors and patterns, suitable for various design styles and preferences. Key Considerations: The aesthetic appeal of the blend makes it a popular choice for upholstery, window treatments, and other home textiles, providing a balance between functionality and style.

5. Environmental Impact

Description: A cotton-linen blend can be more environmentally friendly than synthetic fibers, especially if sourced from organic cotton and responsibly grown linen. Both cotton and linen are biodegradable and, when grown sustainably, have a lower environmental impact than many synthetic alternatives. Key Considerations: Choosing blends made from organic cotton and environmentally responsible linen can further reduce the environmental footprint.

6. Price

Description: While generally more expensive than pure cotton, cotton-linen blends are often more affordable than 100% linen. The blend offers a cost-effective way to enjoy the benefits of linen with the added durability and comfort of cotton. Key Considerations: The price can vary depending on the ratio of cotton to linen, the quality of the fibers, and the manufacturing process, but it typically offers good value for its durability and aesthetic qualities.

7. Suitability

Description: The blend is versatile, suitable for a wide range of applications, including casual and formal settings. Its balanced properties make it ideal for furniture upholstery, curtains, and bedding that benefit from both fibers' combined strengths. Key Considerations: Its adaptability makes it a good choice for households looking for durable, easy-care fabrics that do not sacrifice comfort or style.


1. Durability

Description: Polyester is highly durable, resistant to stretching, shrinking, and most chemicals. It retains its shape well and is resistant to wrinkles and abrasions, making it suitable for heavy use. Key Considerations: Its synthetic fibers contribute to its strength and longevity, making it an excellent choice for long-lasting furniture covers.

2. Comfort and Feel

Description: While not as breathable as natural fabrics, modern polyester blends are designed to feel soft and comfortable against the skin. Innovations in textile manufacturing have led to polyester fabrics that mimic the feel of more natural fibers. Key Considerations: The texture can vary significantly depending on the weave and treatment of the polyester, ranging from silky smooth to more textured finishes.

3. Maintenance and Care

Description: One of the most significant advantages of polyester is its ease of maintenance. It is machine washable, dries quickly, and does not require ironing. Polyester is also highly stain-resistant, making spills and stains easy to clean. Key Considerations: Its resistance to mildew, moths, and fading makes it an excellent choice for furniture that will be exposed to sunlight or used in high-traffic areas.

4. Aesthetic and Style

Description: Polyester is available in a wide range of colors, patterns, and textures. It can be engineered to have a lustrous, matte, or textured finish and can mimic the appearance of natural fibers. Key Considerations: Its versatility in aesthetics makes it suitable for various design styles and preferences, from modern to traditional.

5. Environmental Impact

Description: Polyester is derived from petroleum, and its production is energy-intensive. However, there is a growing trend toward using recycled polyester, which significantly reduces its environmental footprint by repurposing existing plastic products. Key Considerations: Consider opting for recycled polyester options to minimize environmental impact.

6. Price

Description: Polyester is generally more affordable than natural fabrics, making it a cost-effective option for furniture covering. Its durability and low maintenance also contribute to its value over time. Key Considerations: The cost-effectiveness of polyester makes it an attractive option for budget-conscious consumers looking for durable and stylish fabric choices.

7. Suitability

Description: Polyester's durability and easy care make it particularly suitable for families, pet owners, and high-traffic commercial environments. It's an excellent choice for outdoor furniture due to its resistance to moisture and sunlight. Key Considerations: Ideal for those looking for a practical, low-maintenance fabric that can withstand regular use and cleaning.


1. Durability

Description: Rayon fibers are generally not as durable as natural fibers like cotton or linen. They tend to be more delicate, especially when wet, and may wear out more quickly with frequent use and washing. However, the durability can vary based on the type of rayon and the manufacturing process. Key Considerations: Rayon blends (with fibers like polyester or cotton) can enhance its durability, making it more suitable for items that require frequent laundering or heavy use.

2. Comfort and Feel

Description: Rayon is known for its exceptional softness and comfort. It has a smooth, silky feel against the skin and is highly breathable, making it comfortable to wear in warm climates. Rayon's moisture-absorbing properties contribute to its comfort. Key Considerations: Its fluid drape and softness make it an excellent choice for luxurious upholstery and draperies that mimic the appearance and feel of more expensive natural fibers like silk.

3. Maintenance and Care

Description: Rayon can be more challenging to care for than cotton or polyester. It may shrink or lose its shape if washed in hot water or machine-dried. Some rayon fabrics require dry cleaning, while others can be hand washed in cold water. Key Considerations: Follow care labels closely to avoid damage. Ironing on low heat is generally safe, but it's best to iron on the reverse side or with a cloth barrier.

4. Aesthetic and Style

Description: Rayon stands out for its ability to hold vibrant colors and prints, offering a high sheen or matte finish depending on the treatment. Its excellent drape and fluidity make it ideal for adding elegance and sophistication to interior designs. Key Considerations: Rayon can mimic the look and feel of natural fibers like silk, wool, and cotton, providing versatility in design options while being more cost-effective.

5. Environmental Impact

Description: The environmental impact of rayon varies. The production process involves chemically converting cellulose into fiber, which can be environmentally intensive and involve hazardous chemicals. However, there are more sustainable versions, such as lyocell (a type of rayon), which uses a closed-loop process that recycles almost all chemicals used. Key Considerations: Look for eco-friendly certifications or brands that use sustainable practices and materials, such as Tencel lyocell, to minimize environmental impact.

6. Price

Description: Rayon is generally more affordable than natural silk but can vary in price depending on the quality and the production process. Sustainable versions of rayon, such as Tencel, may come at a higher price point but offer environmental benefits. Key Considerations: The cost-effectiveness of rayon makes it an attractive option for those seeking the luxurious look and feel of silk without the high price tag.

7. Suitability

Description: Rayon's softness and aesthetic appeal make it suitable for a wide range of applications, from luxurious upholstery and decorative items to lightweight draperies. However, its delicacy and care requirements may make it less suitable for high-traffic or heavy-use areas unless blended with more durable fibers. Key Considerations: Ideal for settings where elegance and a soft hand are desired, but less so for areas where furniture will be heavily used or exposed to spills and stains.


1. Durability

Description: Acrylic fibers are highly durable and resistant to wear and tear, making them suitable for heavy-use furniture and accessories. They maintain their shape and color well over time, even after frequent washing or exposure to sunlight. Key Considerations: Acrylic is resistant to moths, oil, and chemicals, adding to its longevity and ease of maintenance in various settings.

2. Comfort and Feel

Description: While acrylic is designed to mimic wool, it is generally lighter and softer, providing warmth without the weight or itchiness associated with natural wool. Its synthetic nature allows for a range of textures, from plush and cozy to sleek and smooth. Key Considerations: The feel of acrylic can vary based on the manufacturing process and the quality of the fibers used, with some higher-quality acrylics closely resembling natural fibers in softness and comfort.

3. Maintenance and Care

Description: Acrylic is easy to care for, with most items being machine washable and resistant to shrinking and wrinkling. It dries quickly and retains its shape, making it a low-maintenance option for busy households. Key Considerations: Although acrylic is generally durable, it should be washed on a gentle cycle and air-dried to prevent pilling. Avoiding high heat in washing and drying can also prolong the life of acrylic fabrics.

4. Aesthetic and Style

Description: Acrylic fibers can be produced in a wide range of colors and patterns. They can mimic the look of wool and other natural fibers, offering aesthetic versatility for interior design. The fiber holds dye well, resulting in vibrant, fade-resistant colors. Key Considerations: Acrylic's ability to mimic natural fibers allows it to fit seamlessly into various decor styles, from traditional to contemporary, without the high cost of natural materials.

5. Environmental Impact

Description: As a synthetic fiber, acrylic is derived from fossil fuels, which can have a significant environmental impact in terms of resource extraction and processing. However, innovations in recycling and production processes are helping to reduce this impact. Key Considerations: Recycled acrylic and more sustainable manufacturing practices are becoming more common, offering environmentally conscious options for those who prioritize sustainability.

6. Price

Description: Acrylic is generally more affordable than natural wool and other natural fibers, making it a cost-effective option for achieving a luxurious look and feel without the high price tag. Key Considerations: The affordability of acrylic makes it accessible for a wide range of budgets, allowing for frequent updates to home decor without significant financial investment.

7. Suitability

Description: Given its durability, ease of care, and resistance to fading, acrylic is particularly suitable for items that will be exposed to sunlight or require frequent cleaning, such as outdoor furniture, high-traffic area rugs, and children's rooms. Key Considerations: Acrylic's versatility and practicality make it an excellent choice for both residential and commercial settings where the look of natural fibers is desired but with greater durability and less maintenance.

Cotton-Polyester Blend

1. Durability

Description: This blend benefits from polyester's strength and durability, offering greater resistance to wear and tear, shrinking, and fading compared to pure cotton. It tends to maintain its shape and color after washing, providing longevity and consistency in appearance. Key Considerations: The ratio of cotton to polyester can affect the fabric's durability, with higher polyester content generally increasing these properties.

2. Comfort and Feel

Description: Combining cotton's natural softness and breathability with polyester's smoothness, the blend is comfortable for everyday use. While not as breathable as pure cotton, it offers a good compromise, making it suitable for various climates and seasons. Key Considerations: The blend is often softer and more comfortable than 100% polyester, making it a preferred choice for clothing and bedding where comfort is a priority.

3. Maintenance and Care

Description: One of the key advantages of a cotton-polyester blend is its ease of care. It is machine washable, dries quickly, and requires less ironing than pure cotton due to polyester's wrinkle-resistant properties. The blend is less prone to shrinking and retains its shape well over time. Key Considerations: Washing in warm water and tumble drying on a low setting can help maintain the fabric's appearance and feel.

4. Aesthetic and Style

Description: The blend offers a wide range of aesthetic possibilities, from the natural, casual look of cotton to the sleek, smooth appearance of polyester. It can be produced in a variety of colors and patterns, holding dye well and resisting fading. Key Considerations: This versatility makes it suitable for a wide array of products, including apparel, home textiles, and upholstery, fitting into various design preferences and styles.

5. Environmental Impact

Description: The environmental impact of a cotton-polyester blend is mixed. Cotton, especially if not organically grown, can be water-intensive and pesticide-heavy, while polyester is derived from petroleum. However, blends can be more durable and require less frequent replacement. Key Considerations: Choosing blends made with organic cotton and recycled polyester can mitigate some environmental concerns, offering a more sustainable option.

6. Price

Description: Generally, cotton-polyester blends are more affordable than 100% cotton, offering a cost-effective alternative that balances the benefits of both fibers. The blend provides good value, considering its durability and ease of maintenance. Key Considerations: The price can vary based on the quality of the materials used and the specific blend ratio, but it remains an accessible option for a wide range of budgets.

7. Suitability

Description: This blend is highly versatile, suitable for a wide range of applications from daily wear apparel to home furnishings and textiles that require durability and ease of care. Its balanced properties make it a practical choice for families, busy households, and commercial settings. Key Considerations: The blend's resilience to wrinkles and shrinkage, combined with cotton's comfort, makes it ideal for items that see frequent use and washing, offering a practical solution for active and busy lifestyles.


How It Works

Select your fabrics

Review our slipcovered fabrics and select 7 you'd like to see. Click here, submit your swatch request then move on to step 2 (please allow 7 business days to receive your swatches).

Select your furniture

Select the pieces of slipcovered furniture you want including all the custom options that will make your furniture truly one of a kind. Once you've received your swatches, move on to step 3.

Place your order

Email us with a list of the furniture you want or schedule a call so we can help. Once the invoice has been created, we will email it to you. You must approve and pay for the invoice before your order is put into production (please allow 8-12 weeks for construction and delivery).

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