Why Nantuckit Furniture Company?

  • Peace of Mind
    We have thousands of happy customers in all 50 states. Our competition often does not.

  • Comfort
    Nantuckit Furniture is as comfortable as it gets.

  • Life Friendly
    Our furniture fits your life. In fact, we're the "Official" furniture company of Moms, Kids who make messes, animals who sit on furniture, and homeowners who like beaches.

  • Time Tested
    We've been in business since 2005.

  • Low Overhead
    We don't have fancy headquarters, retail locations and many other fixed expenses so we pass all this along to you so you pay for the best furniture money can buy...and nothing else.

  • Focused
    We only sell slipcovered furniture.

  • Value/Price
    You won't find better furniture for your hard earned money...anywhere on earth.

  • Custom Slipcovered Furniture
    Every order is made just for you.

  • White Glove Delivery
    Don't lift a finger. Our shipper, Deliver Right, brings it in, sets it in place, and removes all packaging so you don't have to.

  • Environmentally Friendlier
    When you buy Nantuckit Furniture, you save one furniture frame for every piece of furniture you buy. You also save the need to ship more furniture.

  • Satisfaction
    You get personal one-on-one service...so you get exactly what you want. Schedule a 15-minute designer call or a 30 minute order consultation.


How It Works

Select your fabrics

Review our slipcovered fabrics and select 7 you'd like to see. Click here, submit your swatch request then move on to step 2 (please allow 7 business days to receive your swatches).

Select your furniture

Select the pieces of slipcovered furniture you want including all the custom options that will make your furniture truly one of a kind. Once you've received your swatches, move on to step 3.

Place your order

Email us with a list of the furniture you want or schedule a call so we can help. Once the invoice has been created, we will email it to you. You must approve and pay for the invoice before your order is put into production (please allow 8-12 weeks for construction and delivery).

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